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Function Wizard Functions

Reliability Table

Description: Returns a table containing reliability values based on a range of mission end times.

Field Format: [TblRel(Source Number)(Start Time; End Time; Time Increment)]




Time Reliability
10.0000 0.592233762442294
20.0000 0.349731160576832
30.0000 0.206074546167801
40.0000 0.121190658505669
50.0000 0.0711424805105653
60.0000 0.0416911552077366
70.0000 0.0243917385696289
80.0000 0.0142477865382479
90.0000 0.00830950470259504
100.0000 0.00483882564606996


Note that these values will vary depending on the source diagram.


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