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Probability of Failure Table

Description: Returns a table containing the probability of failure values based on a range of mission end times.

Field Format: [TblProb(Source Number)(Start Time; End Time; Time Increment)]




Time Probability of Failure
10.0000 0.407766237557706
20.0000 0.650268839423168
30.0000 0.793925453832199
40.0000 0.878809341494331
50.0000 0.928857519489435
60.0000 0.958308844792263
70.0000 0.975608261430371
80.0000 0.985752213461752
90.0000 0.991690495297405
100.0000 0.99516117435393


Note that these values will vary depending on the source diagram.


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