Related Topics:

Analytical Diagrams

Control Panels

Analytical Diagram Control Panel

The control panel associated with BlockSim analytical diagrams and fault trees consists of multiple pages, each containing options for performing particular tasks. This topic focuses on the Analytical page and Analysis Settings page of the analytical diagram and fault tree control panels, which contain most of the tools you will need to analyze a diagram or fault tree. For more information about the control panel in general, see Control Panels.

Control Panel Analytical Page

The Analytical page of the control panel for analytical diagrams and fault trees contains the following options:

Click the Update icon to update the results shown in the diagram without reanalyzing the diagram.

You can click the Spreadsheet View icon to view the results for all gates and events in a spreadsheet-style report in the Results window.

  Analyze analyzes the relationships of the components in the diagram and puts the reliability-wise configuration into a mathematical formula.

  Plot creates a plot based on the analysis results. Clicking the Plot icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then plot the data.

  QCP opens the analytical Quick Calculation Pad (QCP). The QCP allows you to obtain reliability results based on the algebraic solution for the currently active diagram. Clicking the QCP icon before the diagram has been analyzed will automatically perform the analysis and then open the QCP.

  Change Diagram Type changes the current diagram to the opposite diagram type (i.e., changes the current analytical diagram to a simulation diagram, or the current simulation diagram to an analytical diagram). The settings used in the change will be the ones you specified the last time you used the Change Diagram Type window (Diagram > Diagram Actions > Change Diagram Type). In this window, you have the following options:

Note that if you create an analytical diagram from a simulation diagram, by either duplication or conversion, the maintenance and throughput characteristics defined in the simulation diagram will not be displayed in the analytical diagram, as they are not relevant to the analysis. However, the properties are not lost, and if you then create a simulation diagram from that analytical diagram, all original properties will be retained.

Control Panel Analysis Settings Page

The Analysis Settings page of the control panel for analytical diagrams and fault trees contains the following options:


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