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The Header/Footer tab of the Page Setup window allows you to edit the header and footer for the printed page.
The Header and Footer sections of this window have similar customization options, as explained next.
Print Header prints the header information.
Print Footer prints the footer information.
Header/Footer Preview Display Boxes displays the header/footer format codes and their alignment.
Upper Left allows you to input the text that you want left aligned on the header of the printed page.
Upper Center allows you to input the text that you want centered on the header of the printed page.
Upper Right allows you to input the text that you want right aligned on the header of the printed page.
Lower Left allows you to input the text that you want left aligned on the footer of the printed page.
Lower Center allows you to input the text that you want centered on the footer of the printed page.
Lower Right allows you to input the text that you want right aligned on the footer of the printed page.
Header/Footer Format allows you to select a predefined header/footer format from the drop-down lists. With the exception of the Custom option, the available header/footer format options are different for headers and footers.
Custom allows you to create a custom header/footer format using the available format codes.
Set Font opens the Select Font window, which allows you to specify the font properties to be used in the header or footer.
The toolbar on the Header/Footer page allows you to edit the text and insert fields into a section of the header or footer. Click an icon to view a description of what it does.
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