
Home > Working in Synthesis > Synthesis Repositories > Standard & Enterprise Databases > Create New Standard Database

Related Topics:

Opening an Existing Standard Database

Creating a New Enterprise Database

Creating a New Standard Database

To create a new standard database, choose File > New > Create a new standard repository.

In the Repository name field, specify the filename for the new *.rsrp file. The path where the file will be saved is shown below this field; to change the location, click the browse icon in the field.

The following options are available when you create a new standard database:

Note: If you create a non-secure database, you can enable security later by choosing File > Manage Repository > Authorized Users and then clicking the Apply Login Security button. You cannot automatically remove security from a database once it has been enabled. However, you can create a new non-secure database and use the Import from existing repository check box to automatically import all of the data from the secure database to the non-secure one.

An additional option is also available:

When you create a new repository, at least one project is automatically created as part of the process. Specifically:

The Project Item Wizard will appear automatically, allowing you to add an analysis to the project. In the case of login secure databases, you will automatically be working in the private project. If you want to leave the project empty, you can click Cancel.


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