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Global Identifiers

Control Panel Identifiers Page

As described in the Control Panel Publishing Page topic, analyses performed in Weibull++, ALTA and BlockSim can be published as models that become resources available for other analyses. For example, you could perform a life data analysis in Weibull++, publish the results as a model, and then use that model to describe the reliability of an item in RCM++. The Identifiers page of the control panel allows you to enter specific information (e.g., name, part number, etc.) that will be associated with the model when it is published. This will help you to search for the model when you need to use it in another analysis.

To edit the labels for these user-defined identifier fields at the database level, choose File > Manage Repository > Global Identifiers.

To edit the labels at the project level, choose Project > Management > Edit Project Properties and go to the Global Identifiers tab.

You can enter up to 1,000 characters of text in these fields; if the text is too long to be displayed in the field, you can click the arrow at the bottom of the field to show the remaining text.

Note: If you are working in a secure database, the ability to edit the labels of the user-defined fields is typically restricted to users with the "Manage other repository settings" permission.


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