
Depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator, Associated Files areas can appear in numerous utilities throughout the system. The Associated Files area helps you to keep supporting documentation all together in the same place with the record.

When you click the Add icon, , beside any Associated Files area, the Associated Files utility will be displayed. This utility will also appear when you select an existing attachment and click the Edit icon, .

When adding an attachment, you will first choose the attachment type from the Data Source Type drop-down list. You can attach:

For all attachments, you will enter a Name and a Description for the attachment, to be displayed in the Associated Files area. If there is more than one Associated Files area on the page, you can specify which one to place the attachment in via the Section drop-down list.

The remaining fields in the utility will vary depending on the type of attachment you are adding. Each procedure is presented next.

Attaching an Uploaded File

To attach an uploaded file, select Uploaded File from the Data Source Type drop-down list in the Attachment Information utility.

Type the full pathname to the file in the Associated File field or click the Browse button to search for the file. Select the file that you want to associate with the record and click Open.

A copy of the file is uploaded to either the XFRACAS database or a specified location on the server, depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator. You can edit the information about the uploaded file at any time by selecting the file in the Associated Files area and clicking the Edit icon. You can open the uploaded file for viewing or editing by clicking the link in the File column of the Associated Files area. Any changes you make will be saved only to the copy of the file, not to the original source file. Note that the Uploaded File option may not be available, depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator.

Attaching a URL or a Linked File

To attach a URL or a linked file on a remote server, select URL from the Data Source Type drop-down list in the Attachment Information utility and type either the full URL or the full pathname to the file in the URL field.

If you have chosen to attach a linked file, XFRACAS will create a link to that file in its original location. You can edit the information about the linked file at any time by selecting the file in the Associated Files area and clicking the Edit icon. You can open the linked file for viewing or editing by clicking the link in the File column of the Associated Files area. Any changes you make will be saved as part of the original file.

You can edit a linked URL at any time by selecting it in the Associated Files area and clicking the Edit icon. You can open a linked URL by clicking the link in the File column of the Associated Files area.

Attaching an XFRACAS Record

To attach an XFRACAS record, select XFRACAS ID from the Data Source Type drop-down list in the Attachment Information utility.

Select the type of record you want to attach from the XFRACAS Type drop-down list and enter the record number in the XFRACAS ID field. You can click the Find icon to open a search utility. You can scroll through the list to find the record you want to link, or you can filter the results by entering text above one or more displayed columns and clicking the Filter button. You can also double-click any record in the list to see the full record. Note that, depending on the settings chosen by the system administrator, this list may initially contain no records. Records matching your filter criteria will appear when you click Filter. All available records will appear if you click Filter without entering any criteria.

You can select the type of relationship between the XFRACAS records, if any, from the Relationship Type drop-down menu. The available relationship types are maintained by the XFRACAS system administrator.

Specifying a Reciprocal Section forces the creation of a second attachment, from the record being attached back to the current record, and indicates where in the attached record the reciprocal link should appear. This effectively creates a two-way link between the two records.

You can edit the information about the attached XFRACAS record at any time by selecting the file in the Associated Files area and clicking the Edit icon. You can open the attached XFRACAS record by clicking the attachment name shown in the File column of the Associated Files area.

Attaching Text

To attach text, select Text from the Data Source Type drop-down list in the Attachment Information utility and type the desired text in the Text field.

You can edit the attached text at any time by selecting the attachment in the Associated Files area and clicking the Edit icon.


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