Related Topics and Links:

Import, Export and Data Conversion

Creating and Managing Import/Export Templates

Excel Import/Export (XFMEA/RCM++/RBI)

In XFMEA/RCM++/RBI, it is easy to import and export system hierarchy and analysis data via an Excel spreadsheet. This includes:

There are some considerations for validating system hierarchy items. See Validating Data.

Import from Excel

  1. Right-click the tab in the Analysis panel or choose System Hierarchy > Add Items > Import > Import from Excel.

  1. Select the Import Type and Import/Export Template. (See Creating and Managing Import/Export Templates.)

  2. Browse for the Excel Spreadsheet file (*.xls or *.xlsx) that contains the data. If applicable, use the Worksheet drop-down list to select which sheet to import from.

  3. Enter the Starting Row that contains the first row of data you want to import.

  4. Select additional options at the bottom of the window, if applicable.

  1. Click Next to preview the data that will be imported. If the last column does not contain the expected values, the template may not fit your data. Click Back to change the selections or Finish to import the data.

Export to Excel

  1. Right-click the tab in the Analysis panel or choose System Hierarchy > Tools > Reporting > Export to Excel.

  1. Select the Export Type and Export Template. (See Creating and Managing Import/Export Templates.)

  2. Select additional options at the bottom of the window, if applicable.

Records that come from linked FMEAs cannot be re-imported as a linked analysis; they will become local records when imported.

  1. Click OK. In the Save As window, provide a name for the export file, then click Save.


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