Related Topics and Links:

Transferring Data Between the DRBFM and Associated FMEA

Design Reviews Based on Failure Mode (DRBFMs)

Design Review Based on Failure Mode (DRBFM) is a methodology used to evaluate proposed changes to an existing item. It was developed by Tatsuhiko Yoshimura, working with Toyota Motor Corporation. DRBFM uses a worksheet modeled after the FMEA worksheet, but some of the relevant differences include:

Although some organizations may choose to perform DRBFM instead of FMEA, most practitioners start with a baseline FMEA and then use the DRBFM worksheet for evaluating the risks that might be introduced by changes to the original design.

If you wish to be able to add a DRBFM analysis to an item in your project, select the Enable Legacy DRBFM check box Configurable Settings page of the Project Properties window. When this option is selected, the Add DRBFM command will be visible on the Analyses tab of the ribbon.

The DRBFM analysis tab will open in the Analysis panel. In addition, the DRBFM icon will appear in the corresponding column in the System Hierarchy tab of the System panel (if that column has been selected for display on your computer).

The DRBFM analysis contains two tabs: a Header tab and a Worksheet tab. The Header tab contains general information about the entire analysis that will be displayed in the header of the report output while the Worksheet tab contains the analysis data.


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