Configuring Pressure Relief Devices

Pressure relief devices (PRDs) are used to relieve excess pressure build-up in a plant and they are the only pieces of RBI equipment that include RBI-specific properties.

General Properties

The General Properties tab contains information about the pressure relief device and is divided into three nodes: General, Financial and Demand.

IMPORTANT: If you change a measurement unit, you must also manually change the specified value, as the RBI software will not change the values.


The properties in this node determine the basic properties of the pressure relief device. Note the following:

If no models are available, then you must answer other several other questions that RBI uses to generate the internal models that will be used in the RBI calculations. (These internal models are not resources and cannot be modified by the user.)


The Financial properties are used to determine the monetary cost of failure. These calculations take into consideration or calculate the hole costs, material costs, plant downtime, cost of the equipment, the cost on the surrounding area and the personal injury costs.


The Demand properties are used to determine the properties that relate to the various overpressure demands to which the pressure relief device can be subjected. Note the following:

If desired, you can use the Notes column, , to record any notes about the information supplied. These notes appear only in the RBI Properties tab and are not displayed in any reports. Double-click inside the cell to open the Notes window. An icon in the cell indicates that notes have been saved for that field.

Assigning Components

For each pressure relief device, you must assign the components that are being protected by the device. The possible component types that can be assigned are:

Each assigned component must already have its properties defined in its parent piece of equipment before being used by the pressure relief device.

To assign a component to the PRD, while on the General Properties tab, choose System Hierarchy > Risk Based Inspection > PRD Components > Assign Components.

In the window that is displayed, select the applicable components. You can assign the same component to multiple pressure relief devices.

Results Properties

The displayed results include the following information:


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