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Profiles/Library Manager

Configurable Settings

All of the analysis settings that can be configured in XFMEA, RCM++ or RBI (including the data fields, the options in drop-down lists, the rating scales used for risk assessment and other analysis preferences) are stored together with the data for each project. This makes it possible to define different properties for different types of projects and, when multiple users cooperate on the analysis, it also ensures that all users see the same configurable settings for a particular project.

To save time and ensure consistency, authorized users can manage a library of predefined settings and profiles that can be copied into any particular analysis project. With an enterprise database, the library is stored directly in the database and can be accessed only by users with the "Manage profiles and templates in XFMEA/RCM++/RBI" permission. With standard databases, the library is a separate database (*.lb19) that can be stored on your computer or a shared network folder. Although you can maintain multiple library databases if desired, only one library can be active at any given time.


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