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Synthesis Locator Links

Synthesis Locator Links provide quick access to specific analyses in a Synthesis repository (similar to Windows shortcuts). You can save these link files anywhere on your computer or network, e-mail to a colleague, post on the Internet or an intranet, etc.

When you double-click (open) a Synthesis Locator Link file (*.rsrl11), it will launch the appropriate Synthesis application and go directly to a specific project item (e.g., folio, diagram, plot, system hierarchy item, etc.) or FMEA record (e.g., function, failure, etc.), as long as the following conditions are met:

Tip: In the case of a standard database or Synthesis file, the locator link stores the pathname/filename that was open when the *.rsll file was created. If that was a mapped network drive (e.g., P:\Synthesis\Repository1.rsr11), the link will only work if all other users have that drive mapped to the same letter. To make sure the link works for all users, you may need to open the database from the UNC pathname (e.g., \\SharedDrive\Synthesis\Repository1.rsrl11) before creating a locator link file.

Creating a Locator Link

In an enterprise database, you can choose to either send the file by e-mail or save it to a specified location. In a standard database or Synthesis file, the only option is to save the file because it is likely that the pathname may only work on your own PC (as discussed above).

Note: If you get a "Locator Link is not properly formatted" message, the locator link may be corrupted or is using old encryption. Create a new locator link using the methods described above.

Posting Locator Links on a Web Page

Remember that Synthesis Locator Links are files that must be opened from a computer where Synthesis desktop applications are installed. If you post the *.rsrl11 as a standard link on an HTML web page, you will need to instruct users to download the file (instead of opening directly from the web browser).

What's Changed? In Version 10, Synthesis Locator Link files used the *.rsll extension. Note that these links are not compatible with Version 11.


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