Home > Synthesis Plot Utilities > Plot Setup > Plot Setup: Plot Labels Page
The Plot Labels page allows you to customize the labels for items (e.g., bars. slices, points) shown in the plot as well as for custom labels used in the plot.
The options on this page will vary depending on the plot style you are working with. All available options are presented below.
Bar Labels (available only for bar charts)
To display the y-axis value of each bar with the bar, select the Show Bar Labels check box. (You can set the bar style using the Bar Orientation field on the Bars page of the Plot Setup.)
Show Bar Labels Even if Zero if selected, bars with a y-axis value of 0 will be shown with a label of "0." The number of decimal places in the label will conform to the y-axis math precision value specified on the Axis Titles/Labels page.
Point Labels (available only for line plots)
To display the coordinates for each point at the lower right of the point, select the Show Point Coordinates check box. If this option is not selected, you can still display the coordinates for each point in a pop-up box by pointing to the point.
To display the point label in the same color as the border of the point itself, select the Use Point Border Color check box.
If there are overlapping points, select the Show Point Multiplier check box to display the number of points to the right of the point.
Slice Labels (available only for pie charts)
To label the slices of the pie chart according to the components they represent, select the Show Slice Labels check box.
To label the slices of the pie chart with the percentage of the whole that they represent, select the Show Slice Size check box.
Custom Plot Labels allows you to control the appearance of custom plot labels. You can add custom labels to your plot by pressing CTRL and clicking the plot.
Delete Labels deletes all custom labels on the plot.
Reset Labels immediately resets all custom labels on the plot to use the settings specified via the Set Font button. This allows you to apply the settings to existing custom labels rather than just new labels created after changing the settings.
Bar Label Position (available only for bar charts) allows you to specify whether you want the bar labels located within the bars or outside of the bars.
For all labels, you can click the Set Font button in the section to open the Font window, which allows you to set the font type, style, size and color for labels of that type.
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