Related Topics:

Importing and Exporting

Converting from Version 5

You can convert/import data from an Xfmea 5 database into a Version 8 database. This topic explains how to convert data from Version 5, including:

Converting Libraries

The steps for converting a Version 5 library will differ depending on whether you are converting from a standard or enterprise library, and whether you're converting the entire library or just importing selected profiles (and all associated settings). Note that since Version 8 libraries include more settings than Version 5 libraries, the following defaults will be applied to any converted library/profile. You may need to review and modify these settings after the conversion.

Tip: To move information from a Version 5 library of one database type (i.e., standard or enterprise) to a Version 8 library of the other database type, first convert the Version 5 information to a Version 8 library of the same type. You can then use the Profiles/Library Manager to copy the new settings to the currently active standard/enterprise library.

Standard Libraries

With Version 5 standard libraries, you can convert the entire library or just selected profiles.

Tip: If you did not customize any of the default library settings that were shipped with Version 5, it may be preferable to reset your Version 8 library instead of converting the Version 5 library. This way, you can use the most up-to-date default standard library without having to review the changes that would occur during a conversion.

To reset the library, open the Profiles/Library Manager and click the Reset Library button. This will create a new standard library with all the default settings that are shipped with Xfmea 8, and it will make this new library active on your computer.

Enterprise Libraries

To convert and import profiles from a Version 5 enterprise library, you must have the following permissions:

To begin the process, choose File > Manage Repository > Enterprise > Import from Prior Version.

In the Import from Version 5 Enterprise Database window that appears, enter the connection information for the database and click Connect. Under the Profiles heading, you can select to convert all the profiles in the library, or you can expand the list of profiles and individually choose which ones to convert. The selected profiles (and their associated settings) will be added to the library of the current database.

Note: If you wish to convert and import phrase sets, checklists, assumptions, surveys and DFR planner templates, you must select the Profiles check box to import the entire library. If you expand the list and select only some of the profiles, the software will only convert the selected profiles and the settings used by those profiles.

For SQL Server databases, the Create SQL Server login check box will be displayed at the bottom of the window. Select the check box if you want to create an individual SQL Server login when you create each new Synthesis user account. The SQL Server login will be created if a login does not already exist for the username and if you have the appropriate authority in SQL Server to create logins. If you clear this check box, the user can still be recognized by SQL Server if a) an individual SQL Server login was created in advance in SQL Server, b) the user belongs to an Active Directory group that has a SQL Server login shared by all members of the group or c) the user connects to the repository with an enterprise connection file (*.rserp) that impersonates another Windows user account that has a SQL Server login. See SQL Server Logins or Using Impersonation.

Converting Projects and Other Database Settings

The steps for converting projects and other settings from a Version 5 database differ depending on whether you are converting projects from a standard or enterprise database. Instructions for both are presented below. In addition, please note the following:

Tip: To move information in a Version 5 database of one type (i.e., standard or enterprise) to a Version 8 database of a different type, first export the Version 5 data to a Version 8 database of the same type. You can then use the Import Wizard to copy the converted projects to the current standard/enterprise database.

Standard Databases

Convert To convert all the projects and other database settings in a Version 5 standard database, choose File > Open Repository, select RCM++ 5/Xfmea 5 (*.rx5) from the Files of type drop-down list, and then browse for the desired file. A new standard database will be created that includes all the projects from the old database and all the relevant database settings.

Enterprise Databases

To convert projects and other settings from a Version 5 enterprise database, an authorized user must connect to a Version 8 enterprise database, choose File > Manage Repository > Enterprise > Import from Prior Version, and then select all the projects and settings from the Version 5 database that will be converted. These projects and settings will be added to the current database.

Updating the Configurable Settings for Converted Projects

After you convert Version 5 projects to Version 8, they will include default settings for the new features that were added in Version 8. There are two ways to adjust these settings in the converted projects:


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