Related Topics:

Project Properties

Private and Public Projects


Synthesis repositories can contain one or many projects. Projects serve as a way to keep related analyses together; each project can contain one or more analyses, as well as resources, which represent various types of information available for use throughout the project. These items are unique to the project; resources in one project will not be available in any other project in the database.

Any project can be opened in any Synthesis-enabled application. Shared items in the project, which include resources and attachments, are available in all applications. Application-specific analyses (e.g., folios in Weibull++, diagrams in BlockSim, etc.) are visible only in the application that can edit them.

In secure databases, projects can share the security settings of the database or can have their own security settings, which are defined on the Security tab of the Project Properties window.

To create a new project:

In this case, the Project Properties window is not displayed. You will immediately see the Project Item Wizard. You can edit the project properties at a later time by choosing Project > Management > Edit Project Properties.

The Project Properties window will appear. Set the desired project properties and click OK to create the project. The Project Item Wizard will then appear, allowing you to add an analysis to the project.

This will create an exact duplicate of the original project with a name that contains an increment number added to the end (e.g. Project_1, Project_2, etc.). Note that duplicate projects do not retain the security settings of the original project.

To delete a project from the current database, select the project in the project list and press DELETE or choose Project > Management > Delete Project. There is no undo for delete.

To edit the properties of an existing project, select the project in the project list and choose Project > Management > Edit Project Properties. The  Project Properties window will appear.


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