Related Topics:

Plot Setup

Plot Defaults Window: Plot Items Display Page

The Plot Items Display page of the Plot Defaults window allows you to customize details of the default appearance of the lines, points, bars and/or slices on the plot.

Plot Item Type allows you to select the style of plot that you want to specify default settings for. The settings you specify are retained in the background when you choose a new item in this list, so you can specify settings for each type and save all of them, if desired.

The options on this page are identical to those on the Plot Items page of the Plot Setup window for the corresponding plot style.

Tip: If you find that the software does not use the default plot settings when you create or refresh a plot, then the Override Plot Color setting may be in effect. To turn off the setting, go to the source data sheet of the affected plot and choose [Life Data/ALTA/Degradation] > Format and View > Override Plot Color.


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