Related Topics:

Parametric RDA Folio

Parametric RDA Folio Control Panel Settings

This topic describes how to use the parametric RDA folio control panel to perform recurrent event data analysis. It includes the following sections:

Parts of a Parametric RDA Control Panel

The parametric RDA folio control panel is arranged into groups of related tasks. Each group has its own page on the control panel. The Main page contains the settings for selecting the number of parameters to calculate and the virtual age model.

Tip: There is a horizontal splitter bar directly above the Main button. If you drag it as far up as it will go, all of the pages of the panel will be accessed by large buttons. If you drag it all the way down, all of the pages will be accessed by small icons. Positions in between allow you to use some large buttons and some small icons. See Control Panels.

The Analysis Summary area of the control panel displays the calculated values of the parameters and the likelihood (LK) value of the GRP model. Click anywhere within the area to open the Results window, which displays the calculated results in a worksheet. From the Results window, you can edit, copy or print the results.

Folio Tools

The folio tools are arranged on the left side of the panel.

  Calculate estimates the parameters of the GRP model, based on the current data set. This tool is also available by choosing Recurrent Event Data > Analysis > Calculate.

  Plot creates a new sheet in the folio that provides a choice of applicable plot types. In parametric RDA folios, this includes cumulative failures vs. time, failure intensity vs. time, etc. This tool is also available by choosing Recurrent Event Data > Analysis > Plot.

  QCP opens the RDA Quick Calculation Pad, which allows you to calculate results based on the analyzed data sheet, such as the number of failures and mean time between failures (MTBF). This tool is also available by choosing Recurrent Event Data > Analysis > Quick Calculation Pad.

  Change Units opens the Change Units window, which allows you to change the time units of an existing data sheet.

Selecting the Settings for the Analysis

The GRP model uses the concept of virtual age to mathematically capture the effect of the repairs on the subsequent rate of occurrence of failure (i.e., failure intensity). The rate of occurrence of failure over time is modeled by the power law function. This means that the GRP analysis method has three parameters, two of which are used to describe the power law function and a third for estimating the virtual age of a system.

The following settings are available on the Analysis page of the control panel: