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Warranty Analysis Folios

Unit Settings

Nevada Chart Format

If you keep track of the period in which each returned unit was sold and the period in which it was returned, you can use the Nevada chart format to convert your warranty claims data into failure/suspension data.

Nevada Chart Setup

The setup window of the Nevada chart format allows you to define the time periods of interest. The time unit may be measured in days, months, years, or by using a unit-less number.

Time Units

In the Nevada chart format, you can change the time periods for an existing Nevada chart data sheet at any time. Note, however, that changing the time period only changes the name of the unit; the data set is not converted to the new unit.

There are two ways to change the time periods:

Data Sheets

The Nevada chart folio consists of two data sheets: Sales and Returns.

In the Sales data sheet:

Note: The subset ID can be any text up to 30 characters, including spaces. For example, “A _ _ X” is not the same as “A _ X” where “ _ ” is used to designate a space.

In the Returns data sheet:

In the example shown here, there were 3 returns in February from the batch that was in-service in January. In March, 5 more units from the batch that was in-service in January were returned and 2 units from the batch that was in-service in February were also returned. The rest of the chart can be read in a similar manner.


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