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Warranty Analysis Folios

Forecasting Warranty Returns

Once the warranty data set has been converted to failure/suspension times, the information can be used to predict the number of failures, or warranty returns, in subsequent time periods. Accurate predictions about the quantity of products that will be returned under warranty can provide huge benefits to manufacturing organizations, such as the ability to anticipate customer support needs and correct serious product quality problems in the field before other problems occur.

Forecast Setup

To generate a forecast, choose Warranty > Tools > Forecast or click the icon on the control panel.

Then in the Forecast Setup window:

Forecast Sheet

The example shown next is a Forecast sheet for the Nevada chart format. The column headings represent the warranty periods and the row headings represent the sales periods. Forecasts for the future sales periods are in the yellow cells.

The Forecast sheet includes a control panel that contains the following settings:

Enter the length of the warranty period in the Length field and click Update. This option uses the same units you selected for the period increments in the Forecast Setup window.


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