Related Topics:

Synthesis Installation and Licensing

License Manager

Borrowing Licenses

For certain license types, your computer must be able to connect to a license server to determine whether shared license seats (or, for token-based licenses, the required number of CRS units) are available when you attempt to launch a Synthesis application.

If you need to use the application(s) when your computer is not connected to the license server, you can either "borrow" or "check out" the licenses (depending on the license type). This reduces the number of seats (or CRS units) available to other users until the licenses are returned. (For ReliaSoft-hosted licenses, you can also use this feature to make sure a license seat will be available when you need it.)

Borrowing Locally Hosted Licenses

If you have a locally hosted license, you can use the ReliaSoft License Borrowing utility to borrow licenses for selected product(s) for a specified duration.

IMPORTANT: If at least one ReliaSoft product with a locally hosted license is borrowed, you will only be able to use the product(s) that are borrowed and only when the computer is not connected to the license server. All desired products must be borrowed or returned at the same time.

If any of the Synthesis applications on your computer use a ReliaSoft-hosted license (i.e., a license key rather than a license settings file), they will be unaffected by locally hosted license borrowing. For those products, see Checking Out ReliaSoft-Hosted Licenses below.

Borrow License(s)

Before attempting to borrow licenses, first make sure that your computer is connected to the license server and shut down all Synthesis desktop applications.

  1. To open the ReliaSoft License Borrowing utility, navigate to the ReliaSoft > Synthesis 10 > Additional Tools folder in the Windows Start menu and click ReliaSoft License Borrowing 10.

  2. The window shows all of the Synthesis desktop applications on your computer that use locally hosted licensing. Specify the borrow duration and select which product(s) you want to borrow. (Remember that all desired products must be borrowed or returned at the same time.)

  3. Click Borrow Selected Licenses.

  4. Close the window.

You will only be able to use the product(s) that are borrowed, and only when the computer is not connected to the license server. If you need to change which products are borrowed, you can reconnect to the license server and repeat the same steps again (this will restart the borrow duration for all selected products). If you need to be able to use the applications while connected to the server, you can return the licenses as described below.

Return License(s)

Before attempting to return licenses, shut down all Synthesis desktop applications and reconnect your computer to the license server.

  1. Open the ReliaSoft License Borrowing utility.

  2. Click Return All Licenses.

  3. Close the window.

Note: You can borrow licenses only while your license is valid (e.g., if the annual expiration date of your locally hosted license is 2 days from now, you cannot borrow a license for a duration of 3 days). In addition, you cannot borrow licenses during the 24 hours prior to annual license expiration.

Checking Out ReliaSoft-Hosted Licenses

If you have a ReliaSoft-hosted floating license, you can use ReliaSoft's License Manager to reserve a license.

  1. Open the Synthesis application.

  2. Open the License Manager by clicking the License Manager link in the Help Center or choosing Help > Updates & Licensing > License Manager.

  1. In the current product area on the Products page, click Check Out or Check In.


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