Related Topics:

ALTA Single-Stress Example

Stress Profile Example

ALTA Two-Stress Example

A team of reliability engineers is instructed to perform an accelerated life test and use the accelerated test data to extrapolate a product's use level failure behavior. They are asked to estimate, with 90% confidence, the time at which the product will have an unreliability of 10% (i.e., the B10 life).

The normal operating temperature for this product is 328 K, and the normal operating voltage is 2 V. It was decided to accelerate both stresses in the test. The following table shows the data from the test.

Time Failed (Hr) Temperature (K) Voltage (V)
620 348 3
632 348 3
658 348 3
822 348 3
216 378 3
246 378 3
332 378 3
400 378 3
380 378 5
416 378 5
460 378 5
596 378 5


Click Calculate to display the results, as shown next.

The results show, with 90% confidence, that the time at which the product will have an unreliability of 10% is between 459.7681 and 853.1253 hours.


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