Related Topics:

ALTA Test Plan Utility

ALTA Test Plan Utility Example

ALTA Test Plan Results Sheet

The Test Plan Results sheet displays a summary of your inputs, the utility's recommended test plan and the time at which unreliability equals the value you entered in the BX% Life Estimate Sought field (i.e., Tp). If you entered a number of available test units, it also displays the standard deviation of Tp.

The results sheet is divided into the following areas:

The row labeled "First Stress Level" recommends that 25.2% of the available units be tested at a level of 400 for Stress 1 and 25 for Stress 2. The Unit Allocation (Qty) column is visible when the Show Allocations as Qty option was chosen from the Unit Allocation drop-down list on the Test Plan Inputs sheet. In this example, it shows that 25.2% of the number of available units is 12.6.


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