Related Topics:

Monte Carlo and SimuMatic

ALTA SimuMatic Example

ALTA SimuMatic

ALTA SimuMatic generates multiple data sets using Monte Carlo simulation. (See ALTA Monte Carlo Utility for information about how each data set is generated.) It then analyzes each data set individually (e.g., to find the reliability at a specified time) and the group of data sets as a whole (e.g., to find the average reliability at a specified time across the data sets).

To access ALTA SimuMatic, choose Insert > Tools > ALTA SimuMatic.

The setup window will appear. Follow the steps outlined below to generate and analyze the simulated data sets.

Note: The software calculates the demonstrated time by taking each data set and solving for the time at which a product described by that data set's model would have your specified reliability. It then orders these time values to find the time value that corresponds to your specified confidence level. For example, if you enter 85 for the target reliability and 90 for the confidence level, the software will, for each data set, solve for the time at which a product described by that data set's model would have a reliability of 85%. It would then order the calculated time values and locate the value in the 10th percentile, which is reported as the 90% lower one-sided confidence bound for the demonstrated time.

See ALTA SimuMatic Example.


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