Related Topics:

Standard Folios

Control Panels

Standard Folio Analysis Settings

Standard Folio Control Panel

The standard folio control panel allows you to configure the analysis settings for the data sheet. It also displays the results of the analysis. This topic provides general information that applies to most analyses. For more focused information about performing a particular type of analysis, you can go directly to the topic of interest. (See Traditional Reliability Growth Analysis, Growth Projections, Planning and Management (Crow Extended Model) or Repairable Systems Analysis.)

Control Panel Main Page

The Main page of the control panel contains most of the tools you will need to analyze a data set. It may include some or all of the following settings.

The Change of Slope option is available when you use the Crow-AMSAA (NHPP) model with the following data sheets:

If a setting is displayed in blue text, you can click the label to switch between the available options. These settings are also available on the Analysis page of the control panel. See Control Panel Analysis Page for a description of all available settings.

This setting allows you to specify the time when the observation period ended, if applicable. Click the (...) button to open the Termination Time window, as shown next. Select the Time Terminated option to enter the actual observation time, or select the Failure Terminated option to indicate that the observation period ended with the last failure time recorded in the data sheet.

As an example, the following picture shows the analysis results for one particular data set and model. Clicking any of the results will open the Results window, which allows you to edit, view, copy, print or send the results to Excel.

Folio Tools

The folio tools are arranged on the left side of the Main page. Depending on the data type or model used in the analysis, the standard folio control panel may contain some or all of the following tools:

 Calculate estimates the parameters based on the selected model and analysis settings. Once the parameters have been calculated, the Results area will show the current results. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Analysis > Calculate.

 Plot creates a new sheet in the folio that provides a choice of applicable plot types. This includes plots such as MTBF vs. time, cumulative number of failures, failure intensity vs. time, etc. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Analysis > Plot.

 QCP opens the Quick Calculation Pad, which allows you to obtain calculated results based on the analyzed data sheet, such as the cumulative MTBF and the expected number of failures. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Analysis > QCP.

 Effectiveness Factors is available only when you use the Crow Extended or Crow Extended - Continuous Evaluation models. It opens the Effectiveness Factors window, which allows you to define the effectiveness factors for each BD mode to estimate the fractional decrease in failure intensity that can be expected after the delayed fix is applied. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Crow Extended > Effectiveness Factors.

 Alter Parameters opens a tool that allows you to alter the values of the calculated parameters, assuming that the likelihood function and Fisher Matrix (evaluated at the original parameter estimates) remain the same. In plots, the position of the data points remain the same, but the solution line and all subsequent analyses made via the QCP and other tools are based on the modified parameter values. Therefore, the analysis may be appropriate only within the context of your specific scenario. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Options > Alter Parameters.

 Switch System View allows you to switch between the two complementary views that are available for some multiple systems data types (see Normal and Advanced Systems View). This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Format & View > Switch Systems View. This option is available only for fielded data and some of the multiple systems data types (Concurrent Operating Times, with Dates and with Event Codes).

 Change Units opens the Change Units window, which allows you to change the time units of an existing data sheet. This command is available for all data types except discrete data.

 Auto Group Data opens the Auto Group Data window, which allows you to specify the intervals that will be used to group the data. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Options > Group Data. This option is available for data types where the exact failure times have been recorded (i.e., Failure Times and Multi-Phase Failure Times) and for the Fleet data type.

 Mission Profile Analysis is available only for the Failure Times data sheet. It applies to cases where testing involves multiple test profiles. This command allows you to select a mission profile in the project that you want to use to analyze the data set. The data in the current data sheet will be transferred to a new data sheet in the same folio, and then grouped according to the "convergence points" in the specified mission profile. (See Mission Profiles.)

 Event Report is available for all multi-phase data types and for the Multiple Systems with Event Codes data type. It opens a report about the failure modes in the current analysis, such as the classification of the modes, their first times to failure and effectiveness factors. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Analysis > Event Report. (See Event Reports.)

 Batch Auto Run opens the Batch Auto Run window, which allows you to quickly extract data from an existing data sheet based on the system ID, phase or analysis point. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Options > Batch Auto Run. It is available only for multi-phase data, fielded data and some of the multiple systems data types (Concurrent Operating Times, with Dates and with Event Codes).

 Transfer to New Data Type opens the Transfer to New Data Type window, which allows you to select the data type into which you would like to transfer the data. This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Transfer Life Data > Transfer to New Data Type. This option is available only for fielded data and some of the multiple systems data types (Concurrent Operating Times, with Dates and with Event Codes).

 Transfer to Weibull++ opens the Transfer to Weibull++ 9 window, which allows you to transfer the current RGA data set to a new standard folio data sheet in Weibull++ (ReliaSoft's life data analysis software). This command is also available by choosing Growth Data > Transfer Life Data > Transfer to Weibull++. It is available for time-to-failure data (except Multiple Systems – Known Operating Times), multi-phase data (except Mixed Data) and fielded data.


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