Overlay Plot Control Panel

The control panel in the overlay plot is similar to the control panel in standard plots. However, the control panel in the overlay plot allows you to select multiple data sets to be displayed in a single plot.

The control panel tools include the following options:

The folio tools are arranged on the left side of the control panel:

  Redraw Plot updates the plot to reflect any changes that have been made.

  Plot Setup opens the Plot Setup window, which allows you to customize most aspects of the plot including the titles, colors, sizes, etc.

  RS Draw launches ReliaSoft Draw, which allows you to view the plot in greater detail, add annotations and modify selected plot elements.

  Export Plot Graphic saves the plot as a graphic in one of the following formats: *.wmf, *.png, *.gif or *.jpg. You will be able to use the exported graphic in any application, provided that the application supports the file format.


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