Related Topics:

Standard Folios

Data Sheets

Analysis folios in Weibull++, ALTA, RGA and DOE++ are made up of data sheets. This topic describes the basic components of a data sheet and shows how you can resize the columns and rows, and enter formulas.

Components of a Data Sheet

Data sheets in most folio types share the same general components. The following picture shows the basic components of a data sheet using one particular format of the Weibull++ standard folio as an example.

Each standard folio can contain up to 256 data sheets with up to 65,536 data rows per sheet. However, the application’s speed of execution is inversely proportional to the number of data rows in the current data set. In addition, the number of folios that can be opened at once is dependent upon the amount of memory of your system.

Resizing Columns and Rows

To resize the columns for data sheets in folios in Weibull++, ALTA and RGA, there are two ways:

To resize the rows, there are two ways:

Entering Formulas in the Data Sheet

Except for DOE++, data sheets in Weibull++, ALTA and RGA allow you to enter formulas in columns that do not require entries to be dates, times or text (e.g., you cannot use formulas in the State F or S column in a Weibull++ standard folio, or in the Classification column in an RGA standard folio). For example, in a Weibull++ standard folio, if you have a data set where the units were inspected every 24 hours, you can speed up data entry by creating a formula to add 24 hours to the previous inspection time, as shown next.

There are two types of cell references (locations) when inputting a formula: absolute and relative. By default, the cell reference is relative, meaning that as a formula is copied and pasted to other cells, the cell references in the formula will be adjusted to reflect the new relative location. In the previous figure, the formula in cell C2 is copied and pasted into cell C4. This changes the cell reference in the formula from “=C1+24” to “=C3+24”; therefore, the time value in C4 is 72+24 = 96.

In contrast, an absolute reference does not change when the formula is copied to other cells. Absolute references are designated by placing a dollar sign ($) in front of the row and/or column to be made absolute. If the formula in the example were rewritten to “=$C$1+24”, then copying the formula to cell C4 would retain the cell reference to C1 and the time value in C4 would result to 24+24 = 48.


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