Related Topics and Links:

Data Entry Tips for Functions

Function Wizard - Data Sources

Function Wizard - Formulas

Function Wizard Functions

This chapter presents detailed descriptions of the functions available in RGA’s Function Wizards.

Spreadsheet Functions

These functions are available in the Synthesis Workbook's spreadsheet module in RGA. There are two types:

Syntax: RELIABILITY (Data_Src,Time,[Conf_Level])

Example: =RELIABILITY("Folio1!Data1",1000,0.95) uses the analysis in Folio1!Data1 to return the 95% one-sided confidence bound on the reliability of an item that has operated for 1,000 hours.

Syntax: AVERAGE(Number1,Number2,...)

Example 1: =AVERAGE(10,7,9,27,2) sums the numbers, then divides by 5 to return 11.

Example 2: =AVERAGE(A1:A6) returns the average of the values in cells A1 through A6.

Word Processing Functions

These functions are available in the Synthesis Workbook's word processing module in RGA. To access these functions, use the Function Wizard for data sources. The selected function must first be inserted into the word processing module before you can change its settings.

Format: [PROJECT]

Example: [PROJECT] returns the current project name.

Format: [RELIABILITY(Source Number)(Time)]

Example: [RELIABILITY(1)(1000)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [BOUNDREL(Source Number)(Time; Confidence Level)]

Example: [BOUNDREL(1)(1000;0.9)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the 90% one-sided confidence bound on the reliability at 1,000 hours.


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