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Mission Profiles

Mission Profile Plots

You can visually compare the expected usage and the actual usage in any or all of the mission profiles defined in the folio by choosing Mission Profile > Mission Profile > Plot Mission Profiles or clicking the icon on the control panel. A plot sheet will be added to the folio.

An example of a mission profile plot is shown next:

The plot sheet control panel includes the following options:

  Redraw Plot updates the plot to reflect any changes that have been made.

  Plot Setup opens the Plot Setup window, which allows you to customize most aspects of the plot including the titles, colors, sizes, etc.

  RS Draw launches ReliaSoft Draw, which allows you to view the plot in greater detail, add annotations and modify selected plot elements.

  Export Graphic allows you to save the current plot graphic in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.gif, *.png or *.wmf.


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