Minimum Data Requirements - Discrete Data

The minimum data requirements for analysis of developmental discrete data are presented next:

Data Type

Minimum Requirements



At least 3 reliability points (this is not equal to the number of data points or failures).

Crow-AMSAA, Standard Gompertz, Lloyd-Lipow, Duane, Logistic

At least 4 reliability points

Modified Gompertz

Sequential with Mode

At least 3 reliability points (this is not equal to the number of data points or failures).

Standard Gompertz, Lloyd-Lipow, Logistic

At least 4 reliability points

Modified Gompertz

Grouped per Configuration

At least 3 data entries (configurations).

Crow-AMSAA, Standard Gompertz, Lloyd-Lipow, Duane, Logistic

At least 4 reliability points.

Modified Gompertz

Mixed Data

At least 3 intervals with at least one failure in each.


Number of failures in the first interval must be less than the number of units in the interval.

Crow Extended:
BD modes - at least 3 unique


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