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Growth Planning Folio and Multi-Phase Plot

 ReliaWiki: Reliability Growth Planning

Growth Planning Folio

RGA's growth planning folio helps you to use the Crow Extended growth planning model to plan a single- or multi-phase reliability growth test program that is designed to achieve a specific MTBF or reliability goal.

Creating a Growth Testing Plan

To create a growth planning folio, choose Insert > Test and Planning, then choose either Continuous Growth Planning (if working with times-to-failure data) or Discrete Growth Planning (if working with one-shot devices).

In the Data sheet of the folio:

  1. Do you know how the test time will be accumulated across each test phase? Choose Yes if you want to specify the end time (and other details) for each phase of testing. Choose No if you want to create a plan for a single test phase with no specific end time.

  2. Planned test phases is available only if you chose Yes to the question in step 1 above. Specify the number of phases and then define each phase:

As an example, the following picture shows the inputs for a multi-phase test with 5 test phases that last 1,000 hours each. In the first phase, the planners estimate that delayed fixes (for BD failure modes) will, on average, take 500 hours each. The fix time is expected to increase in later phases.

If there are a lot of test phases and/or if you have this information available in an external data file, you can click the Edit Phase Data icon to open a more flexible spreadsheet for entering/editing these details. The Import icon at the bottom of this window allows you to import data from an Excel spreadsheet (*.xls).

  1. Which value would you like to calculate? Your selection determines the required inputs for the design. Note that the calculations in the continuous growth planning folio are in terms of MTBF, while the calculations in the discrete growth planning folio are in terms of reliability.

Analysis Results

Once you have entered all of the required inputs, calculate the results by choosing Test and Planning > Analysis > Calculate or clicking the icon in the control panel.

The result shows the estimated value for the metric you have selected to solve and other results that may be used to evaluate the test plan. You can then use the Plot sheet to visualize the results expected if you implement the test plan, and the QCP to calculate a variety of metrics based on the test plan.


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