The Convert Modes window allows you to convert any failure mode classification and mode in the current data set to another classification and mode. For example, suppose a particular failure mode occurs several times during the observation period and is currently classified as BD in the data sheet. If it is later decided to ignore this mode rather than addressing it after the observation period, you could convert every instance of it in the data sheet to an A classification.
To access this window, choose Growth Data > Crow Extended > Convert Modes.
Two drop-down lists appear next to Failure Mode. Choose the failure mode classification in the first list and the failure mode identifier in the second. Then, in the Convert To drop-down list, choose the classification that you want the selected failure mode to be changed to, and if desired, enter a new identifier in the input field.
Click Convert to apply the specified changes. The Classification and Mode columns in the data sheet will be updated accordingly, and a message will appear specifying the number of changes that were made. When you are finished converting failure modes, click the Close button.
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