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Xfmea/RCM++/RBI makes it easy to search for existing analysis records based on up to three properties, and them import selected records into a specified location in the current project.
The name of this window, and the method of action, will vary depending on which type of record you want to find and import.
For system hierarchy items, use the Import Items (Query) option in the Import/Export Wizard or right-click the item and choose Import/Export > Import Items (Query).
For functions, open an FMEA and choose FMEA > Functions > Import Functions.
There are similar commands for failures, effects and causes.
Note: This utility will display only projects that have the same FMEA structure as the project that is currently open. The FMEA structure determines how the effect and cause records will be displayed in the FMEA hierarchy, and it is set via the Project Properties window in Xfmea/RCM++/RBI.
Regardless of the record type, all five of these utilities function in a similar manner.
Use the Database Location area to choose where you wish to search. This can be:
Only the current project.
All projects in the current database.
All projects in another database.
Use the Query Criteria area to specify the keywords and/or phrases that you want to consider in the search. You can define up to three search terms, with the Boolean operators AND and OR. Refer to Specifying Keywords and Phrases for more information.
Click Search to display a list of records that meet your criteria.
Use the check boxes to choose which records you want to import.
Use the options at the bottom of the window to specify additional preferences. Specifically:
If you are importing items, specify which level in the system hierarchy the new items will be imported to:
As system pastes to the top (system) level.
As same level pastes to the same level as the item that is currently selected.
As next level pastes to the level below the item that is currently selected.
Also specify whether you want to import the sub-items and analysis data associated with the selected items:
Include lower level items imports any sub-items associated with the selected items.
Include analyses imports any associated FMEAs, control plans, etc. associated with the selected items. If this check box is not selected, only the item properties, attachments and diagrams will be imported.
If you are importing FMEA records, specify whether to include the dependent records. For example, if you are importing functions, you can import only the functions, or you can import the functions and their related failures, effects, causes, etc.
By default, dependent records will be imported. If you want to import only the individual records, select the Import without dependents check box.
Finally, click OK to copy the data.
When using the Import Existing Records - Query utility, you can limit the search by up to three keywords or phrases, using the three fields in the Query Criteria area, as shown next.
Note that the criteria drop-down lists use the property names (i.e., the names shipped with the application) and not the display names (i.e., the user-modified names).
In the utility, the AND and OR Boolean operators do the following:
AND searches for the items that match both the first and second keyword/phrase requirements. For example, if you select Item Name and enter "System A" in the first input box and then select Part Number and enter "12345" in the second input box, the utility will search only for the items with both "System A" anywhere within the Item Name field and "12345" anywhere within the Part Number field.
OR searches for the items that match either the first or second keyword/phrase requirement. For example, if you select Item Name and enter "System A" in the first input box and then select Part Number and enter "12345" in the second input box, the utility will search only for the items with either "System A" anywhere in the Item Name field, "12345" anywhere in the Part Number field, or both.
If you use all three areas in the utility, RCM++ will always group the first two search terms when performing the query, and then perform the search with the AND operator taking precedence over the OR operator. The following examples illustrate this concept. In these examples, c1, c2 and c3 represent criterion 1, criterion 2 and criterion 3, respectively.
Case 1: c1 AND c2 OR c3
To simplify, this phrase can be expressed using basic arithmetic operations as follows:
(c1 * c2) + c3
Therefore, the search will return results for items that satisfy both c1 and c2, as well as items that satisfy C3.
Case 2: c1 OR c2 AND c3
This phrase can be expressed as:
(c1 + c2) * c3
or rewritten as:
(c1 * c3) + (c2 * c3)
Therefore, the search will return results for items that satisfy both c1 and c3, as well as items that satisfy both c2 and c3.
Case 3: c1 AND c2 AND c3
In this case, software will search for items that satisfy all three criteria.
Case 4: c1 OR c2 OR c3
In this case, the software will search for items that satisfy at least one of the three criteria.
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