Home > Interface > Properties Windows
Certain elements are common to many types of properties windows, regardless of whether you are currently configuring a block or a resource. This topic is intended as an introduction to the mechanics of working in a properties window.
Most resource properties windows contain a Trace Usage icon, which opens the Dependency Viewer, allowing you to see where the resource is used and what other resources are associated with it.
Additionally, most resource properties windows display information near the bottom of the window that identifies the date/time when the resource was created and last modified and the user who performed the action.
Windows that have hierarchical elements include tools to allow you to modify the display of the hierarchy. You can resize the columns by pointing to the column splitter. When the pointer becomes a double-headed arrow, drag the splitter to the desired location. You can restore the column widths to their original settings by clicking the Restore Column Widths icon.
You can collapse or expand all nodes in the hierarchy using the Collapse All and Expand All icons.
The Universal Reliability Definition window offers two views of the properties associated with the URD.
The Hierarchy tab displays information about the URD in a standard hierarchical format. Each resource directly assigned to the URD is shown, along with a subset of its properties.
The Filtered tab displays all resources of a specified type that are associated with the URD, either by being assigned to it directly or by being assigned to a resource that is assigned to the URD. Select a resource type in the Filter By field to view the relevant resources. You can double-click a resource on the Filtered tab to access its properties window; you cannot, however, change which resources are associated with the URD on this tab.
You can specify the properties columns that are displayed in the table by clicking the Select Columns icon.
You can select or clear an individual column’s check box to display or hide that column. You can also select or clear the check box for the category to set all of the check boxes for the columns that make up that category, or use the check box in the Available Columns header to set all check boxes in the window.
The columns that are available in this window will vary depending on the type of resource you have selected to view in the Filtered tab; they correspond to the properties that are available for configuring that type of item.
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