Home > Plots > Plot Viewer Control Panel
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The Plot Viewer control panel allows you to control the options associated with the plot.
Plot Type allows you to choose the plot type you want to view in the Plot Viewer. Select a plot type from the drop-down list. For pareto and pie charts, this field also displays a Record Quantity indicator that shows how many records of the specified type are available.
Display Range (available only for pareto charts) allows you to specify the number of records you want to be displayed in the plot. For example, in the Effect Severity Pareto plot, if there are 20 effect records in your analysis, you can specify to view effect records 1 through 10, 5 through 15, etc.
From allows you to specify the number of the first record that you want displayed on the plot.
To allows you to specify the number of the last record that you want displayed on the plot.
Automatic Scaling (available only for pareto charts): The Plot Viewer uses the minimum and maximum data values of the displayed FMEA records to set the scaling of the dependent axis. The values are calculated based on the Display Range and other settings on the control panel. If not selected, you can change these values in the From and To scaling boxes.
Priority Area Coordinates (available only for the Occurrence/Severity Matrix) allows you to specify the end points for the high and low priority lines. All of the coordinates are required.
Type (available only for certain plots) allows you to specify the type of ratings to be displayed on the plot (i.e., initial, revised or a combination of initial and revised).
Auto Refresh automatically refreshes the plot if any changes are made in the control panel.
Keep Aspect Ratio: The proportion of horizontal size to vertical size will remain constant when you resize the plot. Note that changing this option will also change it in the Page Setup window for the plot.
Record Options (available only for Action plots)
Exclude Records with Description: Select this option to exclude records with a specific description from the plot. After selecting the check box, enter the description in the text box below the check box.
The folio tools are arranged on the left side of the control panel:
Redraw Plot updates the plot to reflect any changes that have been made.
Plot Setup opens the Plot Setup, which allows you to customize most aspects of the plot.
Edit with RS Draw launches ReliaSoft Draw, which allows you to annotate your plot and view your plot in greater detail.
Export Plot Graphic allows you to export the current plot graphic in one of the following formats: *.jpg, *.gif, *.png or *.wmf.
Copy Plot Data copies the plot data to the Clipboard. You can then paste the data into another application.
Copy Plot Graphic copies the plot graphic to the Clipboard. You can then paste the graphic into another application. The way the plot is copied will depend on your selection in the Plot Copy Type field in the Synthesis Setup window.
Starting in version 8.0.5, if you want to choose the way the plot is copied, you can right-click the plot and choose Copy Plot Graphic, then choose the way the plot will be copied. You can copy the plot as a bitmap image or as a metafile image optimized for pasting into either a Synthesis spreadsheet (e.g., an analysis workbook in another Synthesis-enabled application) or an external application.
Copy Plot Summary copies the data in the plot summary area to the Clipboard. You can then paste the summary into another application.
Print Preview opens the Print Preview window, which allows you to preview the printed page before it is sent to the printer.
Print sends the plot and associated plot summary information to the printer.
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