Related Topics:

Plot Setup

Plot Defaults Window

Plot Setup: Plot Titles Page

The Plot Titles page allows you to define the main, header and footer titles used in the plot and to change the text font and color.

Select or clear the Show check box to determine whether the title will be shown on the plot. Click the Set Font button next to the corresponding input box to open the Font window, which allows you to set the font type, style, size, color and text orientation.

Each asterisk (*) represents the default title text. For the main title, this is defined on the Titles Text page of the Plot Defaults window. If you want to append additional text to the default title, keep the asterisk and add the additional text before or after it. For example, “* (Product A)” will result in a plot title like “Default Main Title (Product A).” If you want to completely replace the default title, delete the asterisk before typing the new text.

You can use the ENTER key to add additional lines to the header title and the footer title.

To add an image file to the header title or footer title, click Select Image then browse for the file you want to include. Click Open. (You can select an image that uses one of the following formats: *.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, or *.ico.) The selected image appears next to the Select Image button. The image will also appear at the left side of the header or footer text. To remove the image, click Clear Image.


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