Related Topics:

Plot Setup

Plot Defaults Window

Plot Setup: Axis Titles/Labels Page

The Axis Titles/Labels page allows you to define the information used with the x-axis and y-axis, including the titles, axis labels and the numbers displayed in the axis labels. This page is not available when you are working with a pie chart.

The options on this page will vary depending on the plot style you are working with.

Each asterisk (*) represents the default title text. If you want to append additional text to the default title, keep the asterisk and add the additional text before or after it. For example, “* (Product A)” will result in an axis title like “Axis Title (Product A).” If you want to completely replace the default title, delete the asterisk before typing the new text.

Click the Set Font button next to the corresponding option to open the Font window, which allows you to set the font type, style, size, color and orientation of the text.

Use the options in this area to configure the mathematical precision (number of decimal places) and scientific tolerance of the values shown on the axes.

The scientific tolerance sets the point at which the numbers will be converted to normalized scientific notation. For example, setting the scientific tolerance to 3 means that all numbers with a value of 1,000 or more will be converted to normalized scientific notation (e.g., 1.0E +3).

Note: When you are working with a bar chart, the Numbers in Axis Labels area will contain settings for only the axis representing the dependent variable. This is affected by the orientation of your bar chart; if you are using vertical bars, this area will contain settings for the y-axis, and if you are using horizontal bars, it will contain settings for the x-axis. It is important to be aware that the settings for one axis will not transfer to the other axis when you change the bar orientation. You will need to return to this page and re-enter the settings.


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