Related Topics:

Risk Priority Numbers (RPNs)

Displaying RPN Metrics in the Analysis Panel

When you are working with an FMEA in the Analysis Panel, all of the RPN metrics that have been enabled for a project will be displayed in the FMEA Worksheet tab.

If you want to display these metrics in the FMEA hierarchy view and filtered view, choose File > Application Setup and click the FMEA Hierarchy page.

Select or clear the check boxes to display or hide columns for the RPN metrics that have been enabled for the project.

In the FMEA filtered view, when you choose Causes from the Filter By drop-down, the software will display a list of all causes that have been defined in the FMEA. You can sort the list in ascending or descending order by clicking any of the column headers. For example, you can use this feature to create a list of causes sorted by RPN or SxO.

In all three FMEA views, you also have the option to use color to highlight issues based on priority. Choose FMEA > Tools > Highlight Priority to turn the colors on or off.

The logic used to determine the priority for each issue is configurable and can be defined on the RPNs page in the interface style for the project.


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