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The Filter Properties window is used to create new filters or edit existing filters. These filters can be used to limit the projects displayed in the project list, in the Manage Projects window or in the lists shown when importing or exporting entire projects.
The custom filters that you create will be saved in the database and associated with your user account. When you use this account to log into the database from any computer, your filters will be available to you. However, they will not be visible to other users.
Specify a unique name for your filter and then use the following properties to define how the filter will limit the projects shown in the list:
Filtering Options
Filter by owner filters by the name of the project owner. The available names are based on the user accounts defined in the current database.
Filter by category filters by the selected project category. The available categories are based on the project categories that have been defined in the current database.
Filter by analysis filters by the types of analyses contained in the project.
Filter by 'last update' user filters by the name of the person who last modified the project.
Filter by 'last update' date filters by the date when the project was last modified.
Other Options
If Show locked projects is selected, the Locked node will be displayed in the project list and any locked projects will be displayed under it. If this check box is cleared, the Locked node and all locked projects will be hidden.
If Group by category is selected, the Public, Private and (if Show locked projects is selected) Locked nodes will each be subdivided into nodes for each project category. Only those categories that are currently in use by at least one project will be shown. If this check box is cleared, projects will not be divided by category.
If Group by owner is selected, the projects will be grouped according to project owner. If the Group by category check box is also selected, each project category will be grouped by category and then by owner.
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