Home > Introduction > Internet Connectivity
One of the many new enhancements for applications that are built on the Synthesis Platform is the ability to take advantage of an active Internet connection to obtain the most up-to-date announcements, documentation and examples. Internet access is not required to use the Synthesis applications, but once you have registered and activated the software on your computer, an active Internet connection will allow you to take advantage of several useful new features, including:
ReliaSoft Online: When you are using any page in the Backstage view (accessed by clicking the File tab on the Ribbon), the ReliaSoft Online pane is displayed on the right side of the MDI. When you have an active Internet connection, this panel provides a variety of useful information, updated in real time so you always have access to the latest information. This includes quick tips for using the software, upcoming training seminars and other recent announcements.
Reliability Web Notes: The Reliability Web Notes page of the My Portal window provides access to information about the tool that you are currently working with. This usually includes a brief description of the item, as well as links to examples and theory articles.
Help Center: When you are using the new Help Center in the Backstage view (accessed by clicking File > Help), you will have quick access to a variety of support tools. Many of the tools require Internet access, such as the ability to download software updates and the option to generate an e-mail with the technical details about your computer that may be needed for support.
Latest Help File: We will always install a copy of this help file on your computer so you can access it any time, even when you're working offline. But when you have an active Internet connection, the help topics that you see when you press F1 or choose File > Help > Help File Contents will always be the most up-to-date versions available. This allows us to keep updating the product documentation to provide the information that users are looking for, and it ensures that you will always have access to the latest information about the software.
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