Related Topics:

Managing User Accounts

Importing Users from Active Directory

If your organization uses Microsoft Active Directory, it is easy to import username and contact information from the directory to create new user accounts in the Synthesis repository.

To import users from Active Directory, open the Manage Repository Security window (File > Manage Repository > Authorized Users), click the Active Directory button, and then follow these steps:

  1. Use the Search Options to find the user(s) you want to create accounts for. When you enter the criteria and click Search, the utility will return only records that a) have the minimum information required to create a Synthesis user account (i.e., username, first name, last name and e-mail address) and b) do not already have a user account in the current database.

  2. In the table of results, select the check box for each user you want to create an account for.

  3. Use the remaining control panel options to set certain properties for the new user account(s) that will be created. This will vary depending on the type of database you’re using. The following picture shows all possible options.

  4. Click Import to create the account(s). After the process completes, the window will remain open to allow you to import additional users, if desired.


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