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Page Setup: Header/Footer Page

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Header/Footer Format Codes

The format codes that can be used for printing the headers and footers are presented next.


Format Code



Left aligns the item.


Center aligns the item.


Right aligns the item.


Prints the workbook name.


Prints the current date.


Prints the current time.


Prints the page number.

(e.g., &P+2)

Prints the page number plus the specified number.

(e.g., &P-2)

Prints the page number minus the specified number.


Prints an ampersand.


Prints the total number of pages.


Prints the name of the application (i.e., Lambda Predict)


Prints the company name.


Prints the user name.


Prints the project name.


Prints the project file name and location.


Prints the name of the diagram, fault tree or plot/overlay plot sheet.


Prints the path to the current repository.


By default, text will be centered in the headers/footers unless otherwise specified. Please note that the alignment codes (e.g., &L, &C, &R) restart each format code section. For example, in the format code &L&P &R&ZI, the page number will be left aligned and the sheet name will be right aligned.


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