To create a new prediction folio, choose Home > Insert > Prediction Folio or right-click the Prediction Folios folder in the current project explorer and choose Add Prediction Folio on the shortcut menu.
The setup window offers a choice of how you want to start the folio. The choices are:
Start with an empty system hierarchy creates a new, blank prediction folio.
Select standard(s) to be added allows you to select one or more prediction standards to start with. The new prediction folio will include a standard item for each prediction standard that you select. (Note that there are two types of folios for MIL-217 predictions: part stress and parts count. See Using the Parts Count Method.)
Import bill of materials (BOM) helps you to import system configuration data from an external "bill of materials" (BOM) data file. Your BOM may be in an Excel worksheet or a delimited text file. Select the prediction standard you want to use and then click OK to open the Import BOM Wizard. To learn more about the import process, see Import Bill of Materials.
Click OK to create the prediction folio.
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