Using RENO Flowcharts

RENO flowcharts are used to build models of probabilistic or deterministic problems, processes or scenarios in order to help you understand and/or quantify them. The flowchart is a graphical representation of the mathematical process of predicting an outcome.

The example that follows demonstrates some of the basic techniques used in working with RENO flowcharts. This simple flowchart generates failure times for 10 items.

  1. Add diagram

  2. Define resources

    1. Create a variable

    2. Create a model

  3. Add blocks (See Flowchart Block Types.)

    1. Add a standard block (to increment the variable)

    2. Add a conditional block (i.e., create an IF statement)

    3. Add a standard block (to generate the failure times)

    4. Add a result storage block

    5. Create a FOR loop

  4. Connect blocks

  5. Simulate the flowchart

  6. View the simulation results

  7. View plots


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