Related Topics and Links:

Process Flow Simulation Diagrams

Block Properties

Process Standby Containers


A train is a path that is contained within a process standby container and operates in a standby redundancy configuration with other trains. Each train must have a Start block and an End block; these blocks cannot fail and have no operational properties of their own. Every train must use each input and each output defined for the process standby container.

To add a train to a process standby container, choose Process Flow > Container > Add [Active/Standby] Train.


The Train View will open in the same tab or window you are currently using, appearing to replace the current PFS diagram. You can now edit the train just as you would a diagram. When you are done working with the train, choose Process Flow > Container > End Editing Train, or simply close the tab or window. The PFS diagram will reappear.

To edit an existing train, you can select the train in the diagram and choose Process Flow > Container > Edit Train or click the Edit Train icon at the upper right corner of the train.

The train itself also has block properties. Double-clicking the train opens the Block Properties window for the train. In addition to the common block properties, you will need to specify the following:


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