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BlockSim Simulation Diagrams

System Overview

The System Overview worksheet for simulation diagrams presents an overview of the calculations performed for the entire system. The values shown are averages of the results of all of the simulations.

Note: To better understand the difference between total and uptime consider the case of a system that has two time reading displays. One display is based on the actual system run hours (like a Hobbs meter – or time-on meter) and the other is a real-time chronograph recording the true time elapsed. As the system goes up and down, the two will no longer be in sync. For example, imagine that the system had two failures and the real time display reads 1,000 hours elapsed time while the Hobbs meter reads 500 hours. The MTBF based on total time would be 1,000/2 = 500 hours, while the MTBF based on uptime would be 500/2 = 250 hours.


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