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Process Flow Simulation Diagrams

Block Properties

PFS Subdiagram Blocks

In process flow simulation diagrams, subdiagram blocks represent other PFS diagrams within the project.  Using subdiagram blocks allows you to maintain separate diagrams for portions of a system and to incorporate those diagrams as components of another diagram. PFS subdiagram blocks can have multiple inputs of various types, and multiple outputs of various types.

Subdiagram Assumptions

Like any other PFS diagram, a subdiagram begins with one or more source blocks and ends with one or more sink blocks. In order for throughput allocations to function correctly, some assumptions are made and some underlying changes are made to the subdiagram at the time of simulation. You will not see these changes within the diagram, but values related to them will appear in simulation results.

Flows: The flows exiting the source blocks in a linked subdiagram are checked against the inputs to the subdiagram block, and the flows exiting the sink blocks are checked against the outputs. The flow types are matched by name; if a match exists, the source blocks are connected to the subdiagram block inputs and the sink blocks are connected to the subdiagram block outputs; dummy tank blocks are used in these connections, as explained next. In cases where no match is found between inputs and source blocks, or between outputs and sink blocks, you will see a warning and have the opportunity to review the inconsistences on the Notifications page of the control panel. You can cancel the simulation, or you can choose to continue with the simulation despite the inconsistencies.

Dummy tank blocks: For each flow type entering the subdiagram, a dummy tank block is underlying added at the point of entry, ahead of the affected source block(s). Similarly, for each type of output exiting the subdiagram, a dummy tank is added at the point of exit, subsequent to the affected sink block(s). These dummy tanks enable certain types of throughput allocation, as explained in the subdiagram block properties below.

Results: The connected source blocks and sink blocks are treated as tanks with a capacity of 0; the dummy tank blocks also have a capacity of 0. In the simulation results, all of these blocks will appear in the Tank Summary worksheet, denoted with an asterisk at the beginning of each name. Results are also reported for the connectors that exist underlyingly between the dummy tank blocks and the source and sink blocks.

Subdiagram Block Properties

Note: Double-clicking a subdiagram block will open the subdiagram that the block is based on. Open the Block Properties window for a subdiagram block by selecting the block and choosing Process Flow > Properties > Block Properties or pressing CTRL+E. To get a quick preview of the subdiagram without actually opening it, select the block and either press SPACE or choose Process Flow > Selection > Quick View.

To configure a subdiagram block, in addition to the common block properties, you will need to specify the diagram that the subdiagram block represents. You will be prompted for this information when you add the subdiagram block. When you are viewing or editing the subdiagram properties in the Block Properties window, you can change the diagram that it represents by choosing an existing diagram from the Based on diagram drop-down list.

In addition, you will need to specify the following:


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