Related Topics and Links:

Process Flow Simulation Diagrams

PFS Diagram Plots

You can create and view plots for PFS diagrams by clicking the Plot icon located on the Simulation page of the control panel.

If you click the Plot icon before the diagram has been simulated,  you will be prompted to simulate the diagram and then the data will be plotted in the plot sheet. (Note that the Plot icon on the Plot sheet control panel refreshes the plot. If data or analysis settings have been changed since the diagram was last simulated, you must resimulate the data before refreshing the plot.)

You can add additional plot sheets to the diagram by right-clicking the sheet index tabs at the bottom of the window and choosing Insert Simulation Plot on the shortcut menu. You can delete a plot sheet from the diagram by selecting the plot sheet, right-clicking and choosing Delete Plot.

The plots available for PFS diagrams fall into five types:

System Plots

Blocks Plots

Throughput Plots

Crews Plots

Spare Part Pools Plots


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