Related Topics and Links:

Analytical Diagram Control Panel

Simulation Diagram Control Panel

Phase Diagram Control Panel

Markov Diagram Control Panel

Distribution Estimator

Once a diagram has been analyzed or simulated, the results can be fitted to a distribution, which can be used to describe the overall behavior of the system. The fitted distribution may then be published for use as a model elsewhere in the project. For simulation diagrams and continuous Markov diagrams, the distribution is based on the results shown on the System Point Results report in the Results Explorer.

The Distribution Estimator allows you to specify the distribution used and to view the parameters of the fitted distribution. It is accessed by clicking the (...) button in the Distribution Fit field in the control panel. When the window is opened, the current distribution, if any, is displayed in the Distribution area and the calculated parameters are displayed in the Fitted Parameters area.

To calculate the parameters for a different distribution, choose the distribution in the Distribution area and specify the time units in the Units area, then click Compute. BlockSim will use the Weibull++ life data analysis engine to calculate the distribution parameters based on the diagram.

If you select the Use Distribution Wizard check box and click Compute, BlockSim uses Weibull++'s Distribution Wizard to select the distribution that best fits your data and then calculates the fitted parameters.

If you select the Create Weibull++ data set check box and click Compute, a Weibull++ life data folio containing a free-from data sheet will be created in the project and the data points used in fitting the distribution will be entered into the data sheet. If Weibull++ is installed on your computer, it will automatically be opened.

For analytical RBDs and fault trees, the Number of sampling points field allows you to specify how many data points are generated in order to fit the distribution to the diagram results. (For simulation diagrams and continuous Markov diagrams, the diagram results are used for this purpose.) While a higher number of sampling points will result in a more accurate fitted distribution, it can also slow down the calculation.

To apply the specified distribution and parameters to the diagram and close the Distribution Estimator, click Update. To close the Distribution Estimator without applying changes, click Cancel.


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