The Crew Summary worksheet for simulation diagrams displays a summary of the crews.
Crew: The name of each crew assigned to the blocks in the diagram.
Calls: The number of times each crew was called upon to perform maintenance during the simulation time.
Accepted: The number of calls that were accepted during the simulation time by each crew.
Percent Accepted: The percentage of calls that were accepted by each crew during the simulation time.
Rejected: The number of calls that were rejected during the simulation time by each crew. A call may be rejected because the crew is not able to perform simultaneous tasks, it is already performing its maximum number of tasks, etc.
Percent Rejected: The percentage of calls that were rejected by the crew during the simulation time.
Time Used: The total time each crew spent performing maintenance tasks during the simulation time, including delays.
Crew Delay Time: The total delay time before each crew started tasks, based on the logistic delay time defined in the crew properties.
Spare Delay Time: The total delay time for spare parts for each crew, based on the logistic delay time defined in the spare part pool properties.
Repair Time: The total active time each crew spent performing maintenance tasks during the simulation time.
Direct Costs: The total direct costs associated with maintenance tasks for each crew, based on the direct costs defined in the crew properties.
Incident Costs: The total incident costs associated with maintenance tasks for each crew, based on the cost per incident defined in the crew properties.
Total Cost: The total costs associated with each crew during the simulation time, based on the direct and indirect costs.
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