Related Topics and Links:

RBD Block Types

RBD Configurations and Constraints

Building Diagrams

Analytical Diagrams

Simulation Diagrams

Phase Diagrams

 ReliaWiki: RBDs and Analytical System Reliability

 ReliaWiki: Repairable Systems Analysis Through Simulation

 Same Example Modeled with RBDs or Fault Trees

Reliability Block Diagrams (RBDs)

A reliability block diagram (RBD) is a graphical representation of how the components of a system are reliability-wise connected. Building RBDs in BlockSim involves adding blocks to a diagram and then arranging and connecting the blocks so that they represent the reliability-wise configuration of a system or process. Each block represents a component of the overall system or process that is represented by the RBD. You can define individual blocks with the reliability and other characteristics of the components they represent, and also customize the appearance of each block to enhance the presentation of your diagrams.

The topics in this section address the following:

Note: An RBD is used to analyze the reliability of a system with a fixed configuration. In some cases, however, a single, fixed configuration does not accurately represent the system's performance over the course of a mission. Aspects of the system may change over time, including the system's reliability configuration; the resources available to the system; or the failure, maintenance and/or throughput properties of its individual components. A phase diagram can be used to represent/analyze such a system.


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